Happy birthday! I know this may not be the best present in the world, but I wanted to do something big, and considering you aren’t even on the same country, I thought to make this so you can have some messages and cool stuff you hopefully like! You will find a Spotify link to a playlist I think you like, a Pinterest board for the vibes, and some messages I wrote to accompany these :). As well as this, I have also contained some secrets on this page, so if you want, you can always look in here for some cool easter eggs I have left. I’ll give you one; by pressing the balloons at the start; they count to points. Try and get the highest score!
hello, so this section of text is going to be for whenever I want to write you a message or anything like that, which at the time may be a bit weird or random just randomly to drop in the middle of nowhere, so I’m storing them all here and hoping that it turns out halfway decent at least but only you can be the judge of that I’ll try and keep these well written to at least my standard which granted isn’t bog standard but that’s the life I guess lol. Anyhow, this section is meant to just be me, Yap, for an undetermined amount of time whenever I feel like it so that you can have a collection of arguably not great written but well-intentioned messages, lol. Anyhow onto the subject at hand I just really want to say I’m really appreciative of how good of a friend you’ve been even in times where in all due respect you had every right to be in a low mood but you’ve always been so lovely and I really thank you for it you’re like one of my best friends and off the top of my my head somehow you’ve been my friend for a long while sorry I’m just looking at how long it has been because now I’m curious can you tell I’m using text to speech oh well but Got them it has been coming up on three years in April that’s fucking wild because we started talking in April of 2022 and to be fair we’ve changed quite a bit as well but throughout it all I’m really happy to be able to call you a good friend and I’m really happy that we do talk on a regular basis as I admit the voice messages are always a good start to my day or a good end off for the day and I’ll be honest I will send some eventually I eventually when I’m confident enough in my voice training but I do really appreciate it it’s something that makes me happy when I see I’ve got about 50,000 minutes essay ted talk sent to my discord it’s lovely /g. but I do really appreciate you and obviously it’s not your birthday today but hopefully when you’re reading this if I haven’t been a fucking idiot idiot and forgot to send it which to be fair I might just make a automation but just to send it just in case but hopefully you’re reading this on your birthday so as the first message happy birthday I hope you have a good day or are having a good day you are now officially still old and now you cannot bully me for being older than you because we are the same age bitch even so I really hope you have a good day good birthday to get get everything you want as if my memory serves me correctly the plushie and album is at least something you know is going to be nice and hopefully hopefully this little webpage is nice as I’ll be honest I have been writing it as of February the 16th for about a month maybe a bit less grunted not heavy into programming but like my estimation is it’s going to take until the last week to get it all fully done which is a little stressful but besides the point I hope you enjoy this weird present and I love you I’ll speak to you later
Message 2
Hi here’s another message that I thought I could send I’m going to be real with you I don’t think there’s going to be as many messages as originally intended however moving forward after your birthday are most likely also use this to write down messages so like every so often I might just tell you oh there’s a couple messages if you want that obviously fine if not but I feel a bit bad because I did want more messages but in problems with time and because your birthday as of writing is in ten full days time don’t know how much I’m going to get done anyhow besides the point I happy birthday I hope you had or having or going to have a great day and all your wishes come true and all your presents are nice I want to just yep I love it so this may be a long one if so I apologise something I do really appreciate about you is you always message and even if you’ve not had a good day you’ll talk about it and although it’s not nice obviously having bad days I do appreciate that even in those times you sent me messages and things like that because it’s nice to hear from you even if it’s not great news obviously I’d prefer great news all the time but it’s just as good if it isn’t and you just need to get some stuff off your chest you know as much as personally I don’t think I say much to voice messages just because I don’t know how to properly do it without it sounding quite disjointed I do really appreciate them they’re like my little treat whenever I get them and I’ll admit sometimes I don’t respond straight away that’s not because I don’t want one either sometimes I forget to send the message or I’m saving it for later which now I think about it probably isn’t the best thing if you’re having a bad day but to be fair most of the time I’ll just save it for like the end of the day or like a morning time if it’s late so so it’s not that bad but regardless I do appreciate it and it’s just something I really do like. And so although we don’t do it often just because of conflicting time schedules and us being busy, it’s nice to call you there whether that be to talk, or to play games, even though I’m dogshit at 99% of games come on or for caring reasons it’s nice we have those interactions and something that at least for me I look back on fondly as much as I fucking awkwardly talk I do feel comfortable but yeah and also may not sound it because I’m fucking autistic as shit I do appreciate that time together. Also, as stupid as it may sound, I do appreciate when every so often you what you call ramble on about random nonsense, whether that be random nonsense or interests or what’s happened in your day. It’s nice, at least for me, because it gets me to learn more about what you like and things like that, and for me, that’s very swag. I like this meet what you like and what makes you tick, and to be fair, I’m fucking thick as bricks so being told what you like just directly is nice. I also really appreciate the little time we have although we don’t do it often again conflicting schedules and respect it’s not always something we can do or want to do it has been nice to see that you are feeling comfortable with that and I know there was a few things about this that you’ve said recently which I was going to add to this website but then I thought as private as it is I don’t know how comfortable you feel about it so I thought not to but don’t feel like it’s been forgotten about like I do a value that time and information because it’s nice to hear how you actually want to feel comfortable comfortable you know and although I may not be able to help you directly with it it’s nice to hear what does make you comfortable so then I can at least try and help and I’ll mention this if you ever want to address I’m more than happy to help I know I’m not the best person to do it and let’s be honest there’s probably better things I could do but I really would try to do the best I can and I do really like doing it when you ask me to obviously sorry obviously if I could do anything better let me know but yeah this this is your direct sign saying I don’t mind helping but anyway I can is a plus in my book you genuinely are one of my best friends and and anything I can do to help is a win in my book. Don’t worry I will get the sappy shit over and done with I’ve got a few things to say just to get the sappiness out lol but you’ve been a really good friend for what is a better part of I think three years maybe coming up to four no that can’t be right shit maybe it is because I think I’ve met you in 2022 which means okay p three years next year four fucking hell yeah that’s sounds right shit oh my God sorry I’m just having a midlife crisis can you tell I’m using voice to text to write this because my fucking probably dyslexic brain is stupid LOL but it’s been amazing to be able to call you a good friend of mine and I do look forward to when in the future we can meet I depending on when that is obviously because at this fucking rate with fucking university shafting me probably in the next like 1015 years I lol but it has genuinely been so great to be able to call you a good friend and as much as I do wish I never fucking went on discord because by God did that ruin me lol I do find myself very grateful that we met and holder said how fucking like genuinely crazy is I know this probably to you it isn’t but for me I fucking never talked I fucking still don’t to be fair but that’s beside the point and the only reason i went into the server we were both in was because of someone who will not be named and that already was a like a big thing because I didn’t really like talking to people and if I recall our first conversation it was about helping you in emotional state or some situation that had happened and I think that as well is kind of weird not that it was weird what happened not what I’m saying what I’m saying was all the stars aligned for us to make and I know that sounds fucking gay as shit and like some Disney Channel shit I do really think it is weirdly crazy that we are friends because like different fucking countries well and truly different interests I mean granted there are obviously a few shared interests namely cooking K-pop at this current fucking moment by God has that fucking ruined my brain oh well and although technically we weren’t into it at the same time I don’t believe minecraft was a fucking hold on at least my life and to be fair I’m autistic is still is but it it’s crazy because I don’t think in the nicest way possible we would have been friends I not that I don’t think you’re cool or anything like that it’s just I think we would have been in different friend groups I don’t think we would have met and that to me is just crazy like I know this is become a bit of a yap session but like what do you expect expect from me it’s fucking what like 9:00 the medication has gone through the fucking like window I’m not even on the right medication so like I had no hope in writing a coherent message it’s so like deal with it I do think it’s weird or like not weird but it is it’s crazy how a set of random situations occurred in such that we became friends and may I add that makes me very happy because I know that message may have come across as like oh bizarre we shouldn’t be friends kind of thing no I’m not trying to say that I’m just autistic and can’t articulate my words as you know but I do appreciate you a lot I do really like when we cool and even if you’re just doing something whether that be cooking or anything like that it’s still nice to talk to you and stuff. I know at least for me I can’t wait to at some point meet up and to be fair as much as I say oh it’s relatively soon and then just like unable to plan things because fucking everything happens at once I do genuinely believe believe after like uni time or maybe even during some holidays holidays and things like that I’ll be able to come down if you want obviously and that at least for me is quite nice because because we can make if you want to address you can and I think it’s just nice it’s something at least I thought about and can’t wait for hopefully I become a fucking multi-millionaire billionaire through this fucking degree I very much doubt it because the fucking job crisis here is fucking shit but I hope that happens and then I can come see you because let’s be honest if I’m if I’m a fucking millionaire done I’m never doing a day of work ever again don’t need more than like like genuinely speaking like more than like 20 million because that like sorts your like extended family out and like friends like for life so like I don’t think that’s just another ramble awaiting to happen so I’ll keep my mouth shut about that but I every nice I can’t wait to meet up and to be fair actually no I think about it I don’t think it’ll be this summer but it’s possible it could be next summer which is like a year and a half away theoretically speaking I hope to be on oestrogen or HRT by summer of this year so hopefully speaking when we meet I’ll be a year in so that’s also a cool thing and we can go shopping I can make up for the lack of fucking presents I’ve done in terms of Christmas and birthdays because let’s be honest here my presence quote unquote have only been this and maybe a merry Christmas or happy birthday so I think I’ve got some catching up to do and before you say oh you don’t have to do that whatever bullshit shut up I’m doing it it’s my fucking love language to get people things so I will be oh shit I fucking stick broke that’s not good sorry I’m just playing with my fucking walker stick just fucking broke she walking shit so I’m gonna hope that still works otherwise I am what you call fucked here it’s not looking good and yeah I will get you presents we you can where again gain you can play games bake bake and all fun stuff like that and I’ll be nice I’ll bring some fun UK stuff up that probably being like fucking nice what is there fun in UK yeah I got nothing actually there is nothing here that’s fun I’ll get you a little gay flag for gay fucker because there’s like fucking like genuinely this is gonna sound like kind of hate speech it’s not mostly saying that because I’m talking and I don’t want people to hear me say something like borderline hater shit because like girl I am a I never clearly an ally and definitely not a part of a community but like genuinely so many gay people here like I know it’s Brighton and like it’s the gay capital but like that’s fucking just flags everywhere and that’s like awesome because like it’s not even pride they’re just a bit fruity and I love that for them I wish I was that fucking open that’d be awesome but anyhow I’m yapping about absolutely nothing now I do really love you I hope you have a good day or or having a good day or a going to have a good day or whatever whenever you’re reading this and if you want to talk I think I’m going ofdoes it land on I think it’s Thursday I think I can’t be bothered to check I think it’s Thursday which means I’m not at school and to be fair I’ll be cleaning because I have to go somewhere on the weekend of that week so I’ll be cleaning up so meaning I’ll definitely be able to call or text to be fair I’ll be able to call especially because if I’m just cleaning like I’ll just whack on my headphones noise cancelling that bitch and cancelling it should sound fine so if you want to call more than more than welcome to obviously if you’re doing anything that’s awesome don’t feel guilty or anything it’s your fucking day have fun and I'll text you when I do or when you text me I'll probably text you in the morning saying happy birthday birthday and then obviously send what you're reading now which in all due respect you know because you would have received this message before getting this website well shit you know what I mean like just text me whenever we can talk we can game we can do whatever I don't mind us but I love you have fun today and sending all my love and care all right bye
Message 3
Hi I don’t know how you’re going through these but this potentially will be the start of where I start repeating myself and honestly making these more casually as before I want to get a good foundation so you had something not that I didn’t mean anything I said but like I know what my ADHD is like if I don’t do some then I’m not going to do any at all because I’ll just forget but moving forward from now I should realistically be making these more casually so if they seem a lot less worked on and honestly Worsley written I apologise I’m kind of just talking into my laptop and hoping it picks up but it also means that this one will go in and you may see 1 or 2 others as, as of writing this it’s like three days into your birthday but I will continue this la record of making messages every so often granted there won’t be frequent just because a lot of the time I do just message you randomly and they’re well and truly here to be just random messages when I don’t feel it’s the right time but I will occasionally write in it and to be fair I might also make like a second part where I may just add like random new messages that are smaller than this but that’s just me rambling on a little bit anyhow I want to say happy birthday because you are like honestly my best friend and it’s been so nice to know you and I do question how you’ve put up with me this long lol but it’s nice to have spent this long together knowing you as friends you know as I do genuinely appreciate you as a friend and everything you do I think this one could be a little bit of a ramble you can tell by the fact that I keep saying it’s going to be a ramble but not fucking doing it because ADHD is a wonderful thing and all but something I think I’ve mentioned before is when we occasionally called and even if it’s just whilst you’re doing small jobs like going to the shops it’s still nice to hear from you and in all honesty I genuinely appreciate that more than I think you realise so fucking realise you’re great lol. you’ve also gotten me into a lot of cool things for autism which is cool for me not great for my bank account lol, but it’s nice to have someone to talk to about stuff when there’s an equal interest going to don’t think I’m as much I don’t interested into some of the topics not that it’s bad but it’s just autism you know what I mean but like genuinely K-pop is fucking enveloped my every being and I probably wouldn’t have gotten into it if you hadn’t messaged about it and talked about it which I really do appreciate because it’s cool on one hand as I get to hear and enjoy new stuff but also it’s nice hearing what you like because then my autistic brain I can go oh you like this that probably means you may like this and for me that’s cool because I love gifting things that I think people will like hence why at the time of writing this the Spotify playlist is like five hours long I may cut it down and save that as like an extended one if you want it but like if you can’t tell I like gifting stuff and that’s another thing as well hopefully at some point soon we’ll be able to meet up preferably when one of us is a millionaire or billionaire that’d be great be awesome but if not I guess soon we’ll do as well lol but I think it would be really nice to meet up and do stuff depending on where we are obviously if we’re in England I can show you around if we’re in Germany you can show me around and just have a fun time I think also it’d be nice to like go shopping all that fun stuff because in all due respect as well with obviously being online not easy to do stuff for obvious reasons but like I think it’d be cool hopefully due to me having like three months off in summer each year when at the latest after my third year I have three months off until I’ve got to go back in to get results and things like that so I’ll be at a point where obviously that’s in two three years time so when I’ll be 21 or 22 And we could potentially meet up as I know damn well I’m not going to be able to find a job just straight away and even if I do I’ll probably want to break somewhere considering I would have worked three straight years without one granted obviously there’s summer break but besides the point I think even if it’s in the UK because hopefully by that point I’ll have my own space that I can let you stay at which will probably be better because obviously I don’t know your circumstances granted I don’t know mine because it’s in three years time two years time whatever but yeah I think it’d be nice and to be fair I don’t know obviously about where you live because I’m not going to ask where you live it’d be weird but obviously I am in Brighton it is quite literally the gay capital of the UK like you’re fine here you’ll be accepted lol but jokes aside I do think being here would be better because theoretically speaking if I’ve got my own space as well it means like I don’t need to go anywhere due to school reasons and Brighton Pride I think is in august I think, So if you’re free I think early August is we could potentially meet up do something the day before and then go to pride because I can’t imagine like cheap travel from Germany to the UK is like mega-money mega money granted is not going to be cheap but like I it’s cheaper than going to say like Australia you know what I mean but obviously that’s for later I mean if you can do sooner we could always get a hotel granted I don’t think I’d want to stay in a hotel because I would like to not be a financially in the shitter because hotels here are expensive regardless let alone for pride but yeah I think it’d be really nice to meet up hopefully that can soon I even if it is like just get a hotel somewhere cheap it’s still quite nice because in the UK at least travel is like £4 on a bus to most places depending on where you are obviously obviously Brighton’s a bit more expensive but I’ve got free travel regardless and then obviously if I still have my student card then that’s a percentage off so yeah it’s pretty cheap to get anywhere so even if we’re in a cheap area we can always go into the bigger places just by bus and to be fair a lot of the buses are all right but yeah another thing I want to say I probably have said it before in these so my apologies but I hope you enjoy your day I know you said about doing a party with a few people and getting like ice cream and things like that which sounds like a good thing and hopefully the weather’s good for you but yeah I hope it’s good and everything works out well just try and enjoy it and experience your elderly years /j. Anyhow, I think I will leave it off here today, so if this is my last message about the leading bulk before your birthday, I hope this has been a good present, and throughout reading this, you’ve enjoyed everything. When we meet, I still owe you the presence I missed, which is not negotiable. Don’t fucking try and say no, no, no, you don’t have to get me anything. I’m getting your stuff, you dumb bitch /j (loving aggression :3), but yeah, hopefully, that’ll be soon, like I say. Still, yeah, I hope it works out. I hope you have a good day. I love you very much, and if you want to text me once you’re done or at any point during the day or when you’ve finished reading this, I know I’ve probably done quite a bit. Also, just a random thing if you haven’t correctly found it out: it works out better on mobile, but it technically works on desktop. But if you press the balloons, you can get points, although the points don’t mean anything; I might add that you mean actually because that sounds awesome, and then you can earn points in high school. As of writing this, I haven’t done it loads, but my highest score was 2000. however, I may change how the point system works, so who knows? Anyhow, I’m going to stop yapping and end.
please let me know if there is any issues you find with the website, and if you want me to add or remove anything, please let me know. this is supposed to be a page for you to have fun with, and hopefully i will add to this in the future, so if you want feel free to come back to this and there might be more things!
here is a taster of the playlist i made you :3